“La Gazzetta Mezzogiorno” dated 08.30.2023; review of the concert of August 27, 2023 in Lecce.
“All’ombra del Cupolone – foglio informale per i dipendenti del Governatorato“, dated 11/12/12; review of the concert at the Chapel of the Governorate of the Vatican City State on December 5, 2012.

“LA VOCE DI ROMAGNA” dated 11-22-11; review of the concert organized by the Angelo Mariani Association of Ravenna at the Dante Aligheri Theater on November 20, 2011.

Weekly newspaper SETTE NEWS of Monopoli dated 15-01-2010; review of the concert organized by the Friends of Music “Orazio Fiume” of Monopoli on January 12, 2010.

“Suonare News” – music yearbook, following the diploma in violin, 2007.
“OGGI” magazine, following the diploma in violin, 2007.
RAI2 news broadcast dated October 11, 2007, following the “Via Vittoria” Prize.

Contrappunti, Rivista di approfondimento culturale – review following the inauguration concert of the 65th season of the Camerata Musicale Barese – 2006.
TgNorba24 – review following the inauguration concert of the 65th season of the Camerata Musicale Barese – 2006.

“VivaVerdi” (SIAE magazine), 2006.
“Il Tempo” newspaper, following the SIAE Prize – 2006.
RAI2 news broadcast dated 28 February 2006, following the SIAE Prize – 2006.

Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia dated 4-01-2008; review following the concert in Galatina on December 30, 2007.
Review by Uto Ughi following an event at the Teatro Argentina in Rome, on December 7, 2004.
After the concert

The former President of the Governorate of the Vatican City State, Card. Giovanni Lajolo gives a ‘symbolic tribute’ (numismatic collection) at the end of the solo organ and solo violin concert on December 5, 2012, at the Chapel of the Governorate of the Vatican City State.
With Cardinals Javier Lozano Barragán and Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, who attended the concert.
With Pablo Colino, former director of the Cappella Giulia, who attended the concert.
Overview of the audience during the concert.

Public greeting from Card. Giovanni Battista Re, at the end of a solo piano and solo violin concert held in Rome on December 18, 2019.
Greetings to Card. Josè Saraiva Martins, following a brief concert during the opening event of an academic year of the Claretianum.

Letter of thanks and congratulations from the Presidency of Municipality X – Rome Capital, for the “Festival Cultura Senza Limiti” (Culture Without Limits Festival), during the final event on August 6, 2018.
Awarding of the Pressenda Prize, during the concert at the Teatro Sociale of Alba on April 16, 2010.

Certificate of merit from the Municipality of Sorrento, received by the Councilor for Culture, at the end of the concert at the Chiostro S. Francesco on July 23, 2009.
Old photo (year 1999/2000) with Cardinal Roger Marie Élie Etchegaray, after having performed some pieces on the violin.
Some collaborations

With the Filarmonia Veneta Regional Orchestra, concert at the Dina Orsi Auditorium in Conegliano, December 3, 2009.
With the “Rachmaninov” Grand Orchestra conducted by Nikolay Rogotnev in Salerno for Irnofestival 2009 – XI edition, July 27, 2009.
With the Kiev Women Chamber Orchestra in Ischia for Borgo in Musica 2009, August 17, 2009
With the Italian Ensemble of the Massimo Bellini Theater of Catania for the Pertusillo Lake Concert in Spinoso, 2011.

With the Turin Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Daniele Giorgi, at the Teatro Regio in Turin, October 28, 2006.

With the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bacau, conducted by Ovidiu Balan, for the Inauguration of the 65th season of the Camerata Musicale Barese, October 30, 2006

With the S. Cecilia Conservatory of Music Orchestra, conducted by Ernesto Gordini, at the Academic Hall of the S. Cecilia Conservatory of Music in Rome, December 15, 2005.
Some inaugurations of pipe organs

At the Basilica Sanctuary Santa Rita da Cascia, in honor of the Blessed Mother Teresa Fasce, for the 25th anniversary of her beatification, October 12, 2022.

At St. Joseph’s Church in Santa Marinella, (press review in the daily newspaper of italian bishops, Avvenire), July 11, 2020.

At the Basilica Sanctuary of S. Maria del Colle in Lenola, among the events for the 700 years of Dante Alighieri 1321-2021, August 27, 2021.

At the Church of the Artigianelli Institute in Brescia, among the events for the centenary of the death of Saint Giovanni Battista Piamarta, April 20, 2013.
Memory picture…